About Ruth

For decades, Peninsula Family Service has been shaped by philanthropists with strategic vision. Their expertise and knowledge have created a dynamic organization, equipped to respond to the ever-changing needs of our community.

This fall, we are introducing the Peninsula Family Service “Lifetime Achievement Award,” an accolade to honor and celebrate the philanthropists who have guided Peninsula Family Service through the years, helping us grow from supporting 164 families to serving more than 10,000 people yearly.

Ruth Wisnom is our first Lifetime Achievement Award winner. She was one of the founding members of the Hillsborough Auxiliary to Peninsula Family Service, and has supported our mission in several leadership roles.

Peninsula Family Service’s dynamic nature has kept Ruth as one of our most ardent supporters. “All through the years I have seen a shift in challenges. Peninsula Family Service is always looking ahead to what is next, to what the community needs. And the organization is quick to work on ways to address those problems.

Heart from the Start

Growing up, Ruth was no stranger to the culture of philanthropy. “From childhood, I was raised to give back to the community. I think that has increased my compassion for those that I might not have come in contact with otherwise.” The people she has encountered through her philanthropic work have enriched her view and broadened her perspective of the giving culture she grew up with. “I think I have a greater understanding of why some people need help and I think it has increased every inclination I have ever had to try and make lives better.”

For Ruth, the most valuable thing an organization can do is provide someone in need the tools to realize their full potential and thrive. “I love the motto: a hand up, not a handout. I really believe that. At Peninsula Family Service, we make people proud to contribute to the community.”

Thank you Ruth for the many years you have spent with us building a better community!
