Celebrating its 50th Anniversary This Week

This week is the 50th anniversary of “The Week of the Young Child”, first celebrated by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). During April 10-16, 2021, we celebrate children, families, and teachers. Most importantly, we celebrate our collective work to ensure that all young children, no matter their zip code, thrive and learn in a healthy and caring environment, helping each child reach their full potential.

This year, the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors has signed a proclamation that renews the County’s dedication to provide high-quality childcare and recognizes that the early child workforce is essential to our community. The county’s childcare workforce is comprised primarily of women and Black, Indigenous & People of Color (BIPOC), that help our youngest children thrive. Childcare is an essential service that has remained open throughout COVID-19 to support our first responders and families, proving that it is necessary for our economic recovery and the re-opening of our community.

Peninsula Family Service (PFS) is committed to serving children in a safe, nurturing environment that allows them to learn, socialize, and thrive. This week we celebrate the children and teachers at our Child Development Centers (CDC). Through our unique STEM from the Start program, we celebrate the intelligence and creativity of every child we support, including our youngest. We strive to provide all children the tools needed to build a successful foundation for kindergarten and beyond increasing the opportunity of becoming career and college ready.

Please help us celebrate children, families, and teachers by advocating that all children and early learning teachers, deserve high-quality tools and resources to thrive and build a successful community.

For more information about our Early Learning programs and services, please visit https://www.peninsulafamilyservice.org/our-programs/early-learning/.
